140524 VIXX Twitter Conversation Translation (Hakyeon & Hongbin) 03:30AM KST


@CHA_NNNNN : It’s today, 2 years ago on the same day, even a sigh… I can’t sleep for even 1 minute and just went to the broadcasting station.. 2 years has passed but even today like this, I can’t fall asleep… My everyone.. I’m thankful for you to come as my Starlight, thank you!! Narase (I love you)~ @.@/

@CHA_NNNNN: 오늘이네요, 2년전 오늘 한숨도.. 단 1분도 못 자고 방송국에 갔어요.. 2년이 지난 오늘도 이렇게 잠 못들고 있네요… 내여러분들.. 내별빛으로 와주어서 고맙고 고맙습니다!! 나라세~ @.@/

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